Hey again!
Welcome back to our Monday Morning Commute Album feature.
We're back with a bit of a bang after taking a break last week.
I shan't get into the specifics, as nobody
really wants those, but ol' Wrrrtika's been fighting off a bit of a cold, and that's put him behind the 8Ball in terms of blog content. Yup, a little shitty - I know. Watch along as I try to play catchup.
Daylight Savings Time sucks. Who took my extra hour?
Rain sucks too - particularly during cold, dark mornings.
As such, I needed a little bit of a pick-me-up this morning.
What was said stimulant?
Well look no further than Silverchair and their (last?) most recent offering,
Young Modern.
Hit the jump and we'll talk about this offering from these wonders from down under *shudder*.
That's like, the worst moniker I've ever come up with.
the recording of young modern left daniel johns with permanent blackeye.
...okay, not actually.